I can not believe how fast this year has sped by… my boys have grown so much; I’ve had such fun building and crafting and blogging!
I started the year with a master bath makeover which I did during the New Year’s Eve weekend… (only 5 months pregnant at the time) seems like an eon ago and just yesterday all at once (isn’t that weird?)
Master Bath Makeover: my favorite mini remodel and the biggest bang for the buck of the year.
Then I tackled faux board and batten wainscoting with a cute little picture ledge and shaker pegs in what would become the new baby’s nursery.
Nursery with wainscoting, picture ledge, and shaker pegs. A lot of love, refinishing and little craft projects went into this room for my Little Man.
A very popular post (which was a surprise): my pegboard book for tools.
Guess y’all like practical tool storage (me too ;)
Little Man was born on April 20. He’s been the best blessing of the year… can you believe he can stand by himself already at 8 months!
I want to make a dozen more of this tripod lamp – a personal favorite of mine!
I am still in love with my curtain headboard. I also love hearing from those of you who’ve done this in your home!
I’m glad to have inspired some guest post love with my Pottery Barn Armillary KnockOff (the metal version was popular too).
Another crazy popular one – Easy DIY Drawers. Since I made these I have bought the supplies for a dozen more, but haven’t had the time (yet – which is weird because it was a pretty quick project). I plan to build drawers like this in the garage and in my son’s bedroom (and maybe the playroom and under the kitchen sink too ;)
My Built-In Bookcase was a HUGE project that literally took months (working in 10 minute shifts ;)
It still has a small section of crown molding waiting to be nailed up, but it’s pretty close to done. I’ve added some lighting, and I want to build a library ladder and cabinet doors (I suppose I should share it’s current state with you… can you wait til next week?)
That was the tip of the iceberg (it’s been a busy year!!!), but there just isn’t time to list everything that I have so enjoyed making and sharing with you… sigh.
Finally, I want to give huge props to those ladies who’ve been the biggest source of traffic to my site. Whether it was a linky party, a feature, or a guest post I did – these gals have been more than friendly, supportive bloggers – they’ve been fantastic friends!
And last but not least – I truly appreciate all my followers- thanks for making this year so special!

Love them all! Your little guy shares a birthday with my daughter, and it seems like they are both cut from the same cloth. She was walking at 8 months! Crazy isn't it!
You certainly completed a lot of fabulous projects! I especially loved the master bath makeover. I copied the tutorial for the DIY Drawers when you posted about it and still have every intention of doing that in my son's bathroom... My grandson was born on May 21st and he is trying to bypass crawling and going straight to walking! His dad was walking at 9 months so it does not surprise me that my Little Darling is doing the same thing.
Happy New Year!
~ Tracy
So.... what's on the agenda for 2011??? I am so excited to get inspired! :-)
Love your little guy's hair in that first picture!
Hey Girl! I've been a bad stalker lately, but catching up has been great, and you've been busy. Savannah and I were drooling over the space you reclaimed for the book nook, and your built ins are phenomenal. My favorite thing you made this year is still Little Man, and the newborn pic is delectable. Give Bambam a zerbert for me, his bad boy charm still wins me over.
Greeat read thank you