I love Shanty2Chic’s easy photo displays!
I wanted to make some for Christmas presents, but I didn’t have a piece of 2x8 lumber… so what’s a girl to do?
I did have some of these left-over pieces of beadboard though…. hmmm….
So, I made some easy photo display gifts (a la Shanty2Chic) with my own twist… beadboard!
The beadboard gets an aged look with some Ralph Lauren Glaze in Smoke applied thinly with a brush.
I sawed a small piece of scrap 1x4 at a shallow angle (just eyeballed it) for holding the beadboard… and nailed in on the bottom.
I hammered some upholstery nails on the bottom to hide the ugly nails ;)
Hot glued a scrap piece of cap molding (spray painted Heirloom White) along the top,
hot glued a mini clothespin on the top,
covered the base with scrap paper.
It was pretty quick and definitely painless… until I have to give it away.
Maybe I’ll make one to keep!
That’s my precious baby up there… I really love this photo display!!!
Finally, here’s a sneak peak of an Ikea furniture transformation I’m working on.
Can’t wait to show you!

That is adorable! Next time you do a giveaway, that would be a perfect candidate! Love it!
I think using Little Man to make your project look better is just MEAN!
Okay, I'm kidding, it's actually a very cool little gift, and I love that you used what you had too.
I will always and shamelessly use Bamm-Bamm and Little Man to make me and my projects look better... including and not limited to
hiding my post-baby belly at parties and in photos
distracting from my stained shirt/tangled hair at the grocery store
in front of crayon marks on the wall
when the lighting is off in a photo
any blog post that is otherwise ho-hum, boring, or when I don't have enough time to "do-it-right" (or write anything at all - heck)
avoiding eye contact or conversation with solicitors, etc.
as an excuse to leave an event early, avoid jury duty, and doing the dishes at my mother's house
Did I leave anything out?
Hi Christin! I just wanted to stop by and let you know that I linked to this post today from the Home & Garden channel at Craft Gossip. :) You can see it here
http://homeandgarden.craftgossip.com/bead-board-photo-display/ Thanks for the great idea!
If you would like a "featured by" button, you can grab one here!
Very cool little gift, thank you for sharing the tutorial, I will try to do