I’ve received 2 (two!) Stylish Blogger Awards (thanks so much Vonda @ Newlyweds & The Old House and Katy @ Mom and Her Drill!!)
That means it’s time to share some stuff about myself and pass on the award to a “new crop” of stylish blogs.
I’m a little surprised to receive a “stylish” award since I’m usually NOT -stylish that is (yes my sister, who is stylish, is nodding and laughing right now).
- I often have paint in my hair and sawdust on my clothes when I pick my son up from preschool (they never say a thing). Not stylish!
- I check out mystery novels and woodworking books from the library.
- I love working with all molding except crown against a ceiling (crown as a shelf is awesome though).
- I’m a “low-tide food” lover… oysters, shellfish, mackerel, sardines, herring (not lutefisk, though, blech!)…
- In college, I asked a cute guy to show me how to change my oil. Yeah I already knew how, but look how well that turned out – we’ve been married 7.5 years!
- I used to be crazy, crawling on the ground,
afraidterrified of heights. Now I’m just weak-kneed, hate standing on a chair, don’t make me look, afraid of heights. - Our last little guy was a surprise. We love him and wanted him as soon as we found out – but wow – surprise!
- I’m not “always” happy, but I never ever forget how blessed I am.
Here is another post with 10 other “surprising things about me”.
Some bloggers I think are stylish (in no particular order):
The Trials of Big J & Little J

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Thank you very much for passing this award on to me! I've had such a crazy day today and so this was so nice to come home to!
Congratulations!!! ;D Also, I hear that there is a tool lending library in Berkeley, so you could conceivably get all of your major addictions fed in various places throughout the county! LOL!
Bask in the glory you stylish lady you!!
Shida Pida
AHAHAHAHAHA. Am I the stylish sister? I was laughing. :)
Congrats and Thanks for passing it on. I needed it today!
Thank you so much Christin and congrats on your TWO awards! I hope everything is well with you and your family :D
Lots of congratulations for you to getting two awards with those things. I've had such a crazy day today and so this was so nice to come home to!
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