I LOVE mysteries.
You know… whodunits, detective stories, crime novels… Agatha Christie’s Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple, Nancy Drew, the famous Sherlock Holmes, and now…
Jacobia “Jake” Tiptree, the intrepid DIYer and amateur sleuth in Sarah Graves’ Home Repair is Homicide mystery series.
They are the best kind of books if you love mysteries (with names like Trapdoor, Tool & Die, and Wicked Fix) and even more fun if you also love DIY home renovating.
Peppered throughout are useful home repair and renovating tips, hilarious reminders of how an 1823 federal-style house needs constant upkeep and repair, and a sense at the end that you should have somehow figured out who-dun-it and wouldn’t a paint sprayer be a good investment.
Sarah Graves’ novels have become my latest obsession, and I want to read them all!
Sarah, may I call you Sarah… if you don’t already have a fan club on my street, consider it done!!
Anyone else love mystery novels or TV shows (-I love those too!)?

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Thanks for the suggestion! I'm heading to Mexico in 2 weeks and I want some good reads for the beach! These look great and my Library has almost her whole collection
I LOVE mysteries! :D Brother Cadfael is a favorite of mine, and Sherlock Holmes, of course... but lately I've been reading The No 1 Ladies Detective Agency (really charming books). If you're looking for something intense but AMAZING check out "The Alienist" and "Angel of Darkness" by Caleb Carr (serial killer thrillers!)I also love watching British police procedurals: Inspector Lynley, Inspector Lewis, Blue Murder, Midsomer Murders!
I will have to check out Sarah Graves though so I can see what you're talking about!
Shida Pida
Thanks Shida!! love that list!
I've read Father Brown mysteries, but will have to try Brother Cadfael and Caleb Carr!
Anyone else have good suggestions?!
I can't believe you found a mystery series that has a DIY theme. That is so cool- I am forever looking for new authors to follow, so thanks for the great suggestion!! :)