10:28 AM
by Christin@Pregnant with power tools

I don't mind towel bars, but when a small bath is used by 3 people (soon 4), they just don't provide enough space for towels.
Introduce the hook.
They come in lots of finishes, shapes, and styles; I love them. So I installed a row of hooks along the molding on top of my new beadboard wall. Instant bling and
lots of places to hang towels.
Now I want a place for some pretty apothecary jars with Q-tips, cotton balls, or whatever... up high enough to be safe from little hands.So I built my own
crown molding shelf to top off the wall.
5:28 PM
by Christin@Pregnant with power tools
My husband and I bought our first house near the end of 2008, and then I started
working 60 hours a week living in my office writing finishing my dissertation.
One of the first things I did when I got a life again was add some oomph and storage! to our tiny master bath. This was NewYear's weekend of 2009/2010. I was "only" 24 weeks pregnant. It was my first
ever home improvement project . I did it all by myself and I am really proud of how it turned out!
Yeah, the before picture looks pretty dull, right? I took down the single towel bar before
standing in the tub to take this picture. There's Bamm-Bamm looking cute!
5:19 PM
by Christin@Pregnant with power tools
I've been so stinkin' excited about starting my own blog, I haven't been able to sleep the last few nights.
I have a PhD in Neuroscience, and am now a
SAHM expecting boy #2 in 9 weeks. I'm a lot like many of the bloggers I
worship follow, who used to be teachers, graphic designers, or
journalists before becoming SAHMs or small business owners (and in many cases
diy blog goddesses ). I have been religiously following some amazingly talented ladies these last few months. I have been so inspired by what I've read, and I hope that maybe I can inspire others also.
This will definitely be a "I did it without my husband" kind of DIY blog. Don't get me wrong. My husband is
gorgeous wonderful, and would probably help if I asked him. But after spending the day with a toddler, having my supportive husband take care of Bamm-Bamm so I can
install beadboard in the bathroom is actually what I prefer.
This blog will mostly reflect those areas I am most passionate about... home decor, design,
thrift store shopping, and frugal living. I hope every once in a while to be able to contribute something original and valuable to this online community I have grown
addicted to to love.
Will having a newborn in May stop me? No. Will it slow me down? Ummm.... maybe - we'll see! I can't imagine not doing what I love - creating something special and working with my hands. The dishes can wait - I wanna
build a bookcase!