I’m sorry this project is taking forever (really, really sorry – you have no idea!)
I got all the cases into place, and started putting on the trim, finished one half of the room, and ran out…
I chose mullion molding (normally used to create panels in windows), because I wanted something more ornate than plain 1x2s, I wanted something a little wider (1-3/4 inches instead of 1-1/2).
I went to 5 (5!) hardware stores but couldn’t find anymore – they just didn’t have anymore (someone must be doing a serious window project!)
The trim is important because it hides the front edges of the cases (MDF edges are not pretty so best hidden with hardwood),
and there’s a gap between the cases too, so this was a must!
So I made my own mullion.
With my router (and roman ogee bit) and some 1/2 inch hardwood ripped to width.
This turned out even better, because on this side of the room some of the gaps were wider or narrower, so I could make 1-1/2” or 2” mullion (for perfect fits!)
I thought I saved time by buying my mullion, but now I’m glad I made my own (I wished I had done this for both sides!- My mullion molding looks way better than the store-bought stuff!)
My Molding | Store Molding |
The cases are now primed and the project is back on track!

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Great job on the trim! Making your own means you can make it to your exact sizes and needs, and also gives a feeling of satisfaction that you did it yourself.