I’m sooo excited to be offering my first blog giveaway…
A stunning $65 gift certificate for any CSN Store.
If I won, I would buy a Drop leaf table from them – they have a gorgeous selection. I need a new kitchen table and I really like that these can be quickly and easily made to seat more people!
You may not realize that CSN stores includes more than 200 stores! These include cookware.com, allmodern.com, and more. Anything you might want to buy can probably be had at a CSN Store.
Rules: The giveaway ends on Sunday, October 31 at 11:00pm (EST) and is open to US and Canadian entrants only. I’ll pick a winner from the comments using a random number generator. The more entries, the more chances to win!!
Entries: There’s lots of ways to gain entries to this giveaway, but first you have to be a follower of this blog.
1. Leave me a comment letting me know you are a follower!
2. Leave a comment telling me which of my posts is your favorite or most memorable.
3. Share this giveaway on facebook (and leave a comment telling me so). Sharing buttons are at the end of the post.
4. Tweet this giveaway (and leave a comment).
5. Become a facebook fan (facebook button at the top of the blog), and leave a comment.
OK, Good Luck – wish I could win – I’m so glad one of you will!!!!
Linking to Market Yourself Monday

A stunning $65 gift certificate for any CSN Store.
If I won, I would buy a Drop leaf table from them – they have a gorgeous selection. I need a new kitchen table and I really like that these can be quickly and easily made to seat more people!
You may not realize that CSN stores includes more than 200 stores! These include cookware.com, allmodern.com, and more. Anything you might want to buy can probably be had at a CSN Store.
Rules: The giveaway ends on Sunday, October 31 at 11:00pm (EST) and is open to US and Canadian entrants only. I’ll pick a winner from the comments using a random number generator. The more entries, the more chances to win!!
Entries: There’s lots of ways to gain entries to this giveaway, but first you have to be a follower of this blog.
1. Leave me a comment letting me know you are a follower!
2. Leave a comment telling me which of my posts is your favorite or most memorable.
3. Share this giveaway on facebook (and leave a comment telling me so). Sharing buttons are at the end of the post.
4. Tweet this giveaway (and leave a comment).
5. Become a facebook fan (facebook button at the top of the blog), and leave a comment.
OK, Good Luck – wish I could win – I’m so glad one of you will!!!!
Linking to Market Yourself Monday

I am a follower.
I became a facebook fan :)
I am a follower!! (Aubrey Charlebois)
Became a Facebook fan and left a comment.
I'd follow you anywhere girl...especially if you have a power tool in you hand...so I could watch and learn!
I'm following your blog (:
I'm a follower!
I am a follower!
And ONE of my fav posts of yours is the one about DIY by your lonesome. Since I often am by myself when I do stuff, I found the tips and tools you mentioned very helpful! Thank you!
I am a follower :)
I am so inspired by your postings. As a woman, wife and mother you have shown all the other woman that it not only possible to incorporate what you love in your life, but you do it successfully! Thank you for being real and showing the pros and cons of each project. What would life be if we could not put our dreams into action? Give your self a pat on the back for me as you raise your wonderful young boys and find time to be you!
I also love to create, but it is usually in the fiber area. When I do get out my power tools for something, I am wishing for a girlie tool belt! What about you? I am thinking I need to make one!
I am a follower.
My favorite post is anything with your built in bookcase. I can't wait for the finished project.
I follow.
- Danielle
other-option AT hotmail DOT com
I am following you on Facebook.
I even shared the link on facebook too.
I really enjoy the ideas...now if only I'd put the ideas into action!
I have been following!
I am a google follower. (You are also in my favorites)
I loved your vintage suitcase finds. I was a wee bit jealous because they're awesome. No matter. I also love it when you encourage others to make their own stuff. Yes, we should all make stuff. I know how I feel when I do things myself. I feel a bit puffy and cool. I think most stuff made at home will be at least as good as what you can buy anywhere. I think stuff made at home by perfectionists (and face it so many of us are pretty doggone hard on ourselves) will be way better than most anything we can buy at any price.
I just became a facebook fan.
I am a follower
I'm a follower!
I am a follower and love reading about your projects!
I'm following with GFC as Amanda West
My favorite post is the one with the pumpkin planters! Such a creative idea that I haven't seen before. I'm thinking about trying it here :)
I'm sharing on facebook as Amanda West and tagged you in the post.
I tweeted!
I added you on facebook and commented as Amanda West
I liked your electrical wire tutorial. I happened to need it that very day!
I'm a follower with Google Friend Connect with the name susies1955.
I love your post Built-In Bookcase. :)
I tweeted about your giveaway:
i follow!
divertida at fastmail dot fm
i like you on facebook (wren nelson)
i shared on facebook (wren nelson)
divertida at fastmail dot fm
My favorite post is the Pumpkin Planter House Numbers..it's so creative!
luvtosave @ gmail.com
I am a new follower.
I liked you on FB.
I'm a follower!
shannoncarman at yahoo dot com
Blog follower!
heatheranne99 at gmail dot com
I like the floor to ceiling headboard post the most!
heatheranne99 at gmail dot com
heatheranne99 at gmail dot com
Facebook fan too! Yay!
heatheranne99 at gmail dot com
I follow via GFC.
I came over from your link on The DIY Club weekly showcase party. I am now following your blog! :)
I'm a follower on gfc. hugzeke@gmail.com
I am a follower.
hillaryanna at yahoo dot com
I follow through gfc as DG
deeg131 at gmail dot com
tweeted http://twitter.com/DeeGee13/status/28520816178
deeg131 at gmail dot com
shared on fb http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=148324138545466&id=1449584700
deeg131 at gmail dot com
I fanned you on fb as Dee G :)
deeg131 at gmail dot com
I love your Inspiration: Really Unusual Bookshelves post! :)
deeg131 at gmail dot com
I follow you on GFC
gmloschiavo at yahoo dot com
Shared on Facebook @ The Crave to Save
gmloschiavo at yahoo dot com
I'm a follower!
One of my favorite posts on your blog is house tour #1 (I assume there are more that I haven't read yet) with links to all the projects in each room--very cool!
I forgot to leave my e-mail address in my previous comment, but here it is:
Whoops! Misspelled my e-mail address. it should be: mrs_apple_juice@hotmail.com
I'm a follower impressed with your power-tool skills!
I follow your blog on my Google Reader. :)
And I became a facebook fan. This accomplished what you wanted, as I had no idea you had a facebook page!
My favorite post of yours is the Master Bathroom recessed cubbies. It was one of the first times I visited your blog and I was so impressed! Still waiting for you to stop by my house and build me a few of those! LOL!
The most memorable to me is the racecar bed and what we've seen of the room.
and I shared this on facebook. No go on the twitter--too lazy to try to remember my log in there. ;)
Hi. I'm a follower. :)
I found your site from someone else linking to your bookcase, so I'd have to say that THAT is my favorite project of yours. :)
I'm a new follower!
I also just liked your fan page on Facebook.
I am a regular visitor and follower.
LOL. Not only am I a follower, I'm your sister! :) What is the most memorable post? Anything with Bamm-Bamm and the Little Sprout in it...
I like the quote on the wall of Little Sprout's nursery.
I'm a follower! :)
I like reading about your process of making furniture - it's not something I do but I like to think that maaaybe someday I will! :) I also really liked your post on the 'canopy' bed you made. I LOVE canopies and that's totally something that doable for me.
I became a fan on facebook!
I tweeted too! Great giveaway - thank you!
avivakeisling (at) gmail.com
<<<Total stalker.
I'm a follower :)
I'm a follower!
I like you! (on facebook now too!)
Your armillary post is still on my to do list so it stands out the most!
I'm a follower already!
I love the armillary knock off. In fact, anything pottery barn knock off is my fav! But the most memorable post of yours? You introducing us to your newest little one. So sweet.
I'm following you on facebook now. You can follow me too. Holy Craft on facebook. :)
I posted on facebook about it.
I am a long time follower.
One of my favorite posts is the Pegboard Book of Tools.
I am a follower. Love ur blog and all ur great ideas! Makes me quite jealous how handy u are :)
I "like" you on facebook and posted a comment.
Suzanne Corrigan
I'm a follower of your great blog!
lizz736 at gmail dot com
I love your wainscoting posts, I would so love to do that in my boys' rooms, you give me hope that I can!
lizz736 at gmail dot com
I'm a follower.
Your built-in boookcases are one of my absolute favorites! Also, I really like the posts where you explain the difference in woods, or tools, to use newbies.
I love CSN stores! I am a follower on Google Friends! Thanks!
skstigger (at) hotmail (dot) com
I loved your post, Cheap Easy DIY Bathroom Cabinet Drawers. I really like how you can make it seem easy to do. I have put it on my list of "to dos". Thanks!
skstigger (at)hotmail (dot) com
I am a fan on Facebook (sandra S.)
skstigger (at) hotmail (dot) com
I'm now a fan following via Google Friends Connect.
P.S. I just wanted you to know that I learned about you from Smart Cents Mom blog.
Lauralee Hensley
lfhpueblo at msn dot com
My favorite post of yours was the Built-In Bookcase: Building Shelves to Avoid Sag.
lfhpueblo at msn dot com
I'm now a Facebook fan of Pregnant Power.
Lauralee Hensley
lfhpueblo at msn dot com
I follow your blog!
My favorite post of yours wasn't that long ago, I don't even remember specifically what it was about, other than the bookshelves you've been working on. I found it through a link on another blog. It's my favorite because I remember being amazed that a regular gal and mom knew so much about building things and wasn't afraid to get in there and do it. It inspired me to start tackling all those projects I've wanted to do for years, but always been afraid I would mess up. I'm guessing you weren't born knowing how to build all this stuff, and I realized that if you could learn how to build the things you do, so can I!
Oh, and I also am a facebook fan!
I follow with google friends.
tahearn at roadrunner dot com
I am a fan on facebook
tahearn at roadrunner dot com
I tweeted at
tahearn at roadrunner dot com
a fan on FB :)
tristatecruisers at yahoo dot com
my favorite is the bathroom cabinet drawers--love the before and after pics--looks great :)
I follow
clenna at aol dot com
I really enjoyed the post on the curtained headboard. I might even be able to do one myself - ha ha ha.
clenna at aol dot com
I shared on my FB wall
username: Clenna E
clenna at aol dot com
I am a FB fan
clenna at aol dot com
Of course I'm a follower and have been but I just "liked" you on facebook too. My fav article (if I have to pick) is moving a light switch because I just had to use that one!!!
daekoch at mindspring dot com
i'm a follower.
I tweeted!
I like you on FB! Trisha B
I am a follower.
I love the peg board book leaves. I wish i had room to hang them up in my garage. It's one of those posts I am hanging on to in hopes one day I will have a hosue where I could make them.
follow your blog as jelaws5
thanks for the giveaway
fb fan-Julie S Laws
shared on fb-Julie S Laws
I am a follower!
I follow you on FB as sarah linette too.
I shared this on FB as sarah linette.
I really LOVE your curtain headboard post. It is so dramatic yet soft. We need a new one, and I love your idea!
GFC/Vickie Riddle vickers_73460 at yahoo dot com
Facebook Fan. Vickie Grigsby Riddle vickers_73460 at yahoo dot com
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Kristy Hostetler