What did I do before this? Oh wait… I have a picture.
Messy, no?
Here’s what it looks like now.

It’s simply a coupla boxes on the wall, a calendar, and a corkboard, hung over my DIY recycling center, but it has changed my life!
Here’s a quick run down of my returning home (with kiddos) after … let’s say… picking up Bamm-Bamm from preschool.
I have grabbed the mail on the way in and also have Bamm-Bamm lunch box. Bamm-Bamm strips off his jacket and shoes (and sometimes his pants and underwear) and Little Man looks for toys and/or cheerios to put in his mouth.
I head over to the recycling Family Command Center and drop off my keys, toss trash, wrappers from the lunchbox and junk mail, open the mail, post coupons, write down appointments, and place bills in the inbox –all before the kids get bored and start begging for (food, candy, TV, clean diaper, fill-in-the-blank).
Life is good better.
The mail bins were cheapo, quick coat of paint, thrift store transformations.
The board is an old calendar holder-thing that I flipped upside down and glued some corkboard to.

The calendar is just a piece of construction paper I drew a 5x7 grid on.
Over this I wedged a piece of acrylic (instant dry erase board), glass would have worked too. Add some pretty ribbon to hide the edge - viola.
Easy, peasy – so why didn’t I do it sooner?
The family is so much more “commanded” now ;)

Sometimes I think I just don’t know what I am missing.
This wall-o-organization only cost me $2 (hand-me-down frame, old corkboard and acrylic I had, $2 letter bins-thingy!!!). Oh, well, I guess I did spend $5 on some new dry erase markers ;)
What do you think? Do you have one of these? Do you love yours too?
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