Saturday, April 3, 2010

IntenseDebate and CommentLuv

I want all of you to know how much I appreciate your comments!

I like to respond to everyone, but it isn't always easy!
Too often the email reply is set to "no-reply@blogspot..." or I have to hop around a bit to find your blog! So Sorry if I haven't responded to you - I tried!!

When you take the time to visit my blog and you care enough to leave me feedback, I want to connect with you too! I especially like visiting your blogs... you are such a talented group!

So I've just installed CommentLuv!! I really like this new comment system!

When you leave me a comment, you have the option of leaving a link to your blog's latest post!!! Like minded readers (AND me!) can stop by and check it out!!!
How cool is that!!!!!

Please PLEASE leave your blog addy in your next comment... I cannot wait to visit!